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wholesale nfl jerseys But then afterwards, things kind of settle down and everybody gets back to their normal everyday lives, and your life will never be normal again. There is no such thing as normal again. It's changed forever. Jahmene sings Slade in Text Santa's 'Number Onesie' video with celebrity friendsChristmas is a time for giving and sharing. So we're giving and sharing this, a very funny celebrity video17:21, 19 DEC 2012Somehow he's pulling off the hat too Get celebs updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailIt's been a busy time for the most "jahmazing" contestant of this year's X Factor, who recently chirped out 'Silent Night' for Asda's Christmas advert, because he used to work there, and also is probably guaranteed free crisps for life.The singer has also just signed a record deal with Sony, joining fellow contestants Ella Henderson and Union J who Sony have snapped up quicker than you can say "Simon Cowell", since the show ended just over a week ago not a bad Christmas you're having there Jahmene.But back to the video. Jahmene sings along to Slade's "Merry Christmas Everybody" (one of our favourites), along with dance group Diversity, Britain's Got Talent Winners Pudsey and Ashleigh, girl group www.cheapjerseyssalesupply.com Stooshe, TOWIE's Lydia Bright and her mum Debbie wholesale nfl jerseys.


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